Eight Questions to Consider if Home Birth May Be Right For You

Eight Questions to Consider if Home Birth May Be Right For You

Are you considering a home birth or birthing at a free standing birth center? In our current culture, it seems that delivering your baby at a hospital is the default - but out of hospital birth can be a really great option for many people. There is a lot of misconception out there about home birth and midwives and I would love to go over some of the most common questions that people have.

COVID19 and Doula Care

COVID19 and Doula Care

We want you to know that we are monitoring the development of the COVID-19 outbreak in our area and taking safety precautions to help prevent the spread of illness to our clients, their families and the team at Calm & Confident. We understand that people are very concerned and this is a fast changing situation.

Postpartum Bliss- it's not about the products you have to buy

Postpartum Bliss- it's not about the products you have to buy

The first 3 months after birth, also known as the Fourth Trimester, is a time filled with lots of change for both baby and parents. Support in this time is key to physical recovery of the birthing parent, emotional adjustment and everyone becoming comfortable in their new roles.